4 ways to make the most of your sponsorship

There are many benefits to sponsoring an event, including; generating new leads, building brand awareness and helping companies differentiate themselves from their competitors.

In order to help companies looking at sponsoring an event or are already sponsoring an event, we have written this blog that lists some of the ways companies can utilise their sponsorship to help maximise their return on investment!


1) Determine your goals

Identifying what you want to get out of your sponsorship is primarily the first thing that should be considered. Do you want to gain more contacts, improve your company’s social responsibility or even increase your company’s perceived image?

Whatever the goal, determining this will help you develop the aims and strategy needed to ensure you achieve your sponsorship objective.


2) Engage with and utilise event marketing

One of the biggest benefits of sponsorship is all the marketing that comes with it. Some of the best ways to utilise this coverage is to ensure you engage with it, whether that be sharing press releases or commenting on social media posts about the event. By doing this, you are expanding the reach of people that hear of the event and see your involvement with the event.

Remember, you don’t need to wait for something to be said about your involvement in order to promote your involvement.


3) Spread the word

Sponsoring events for some companies may not always be about gaining new contacts, it can also be about showing current clients what they are doing to build credibility. Therefore, it is also really important to spread the word to your current client base. There are many ways you can do this, but a good place to start is email marketing to explain to your clients why you are supporting the event.


4) Post event

Once the event is over, it is important to keep up the momentum by continuing to engage with post event marketing. Follow up with the contacts gained through this experience, from congratulating the winners, setting up meetings with the shortlisted or connecting with the network you made on the night.

We try and engage with the sponsors on a year long campaign. Let us become an extension of your marketing team and work with us to promote you and your involvement with the event. Contact Grapevine today if you want to know more about the current sponsorship opportunities we have available and to make the most out of the events you sponsor.