Legal - 3 ways changes in law can impact the events industry

Legal - 3 ways changes in law can impact the events industry

We now reach the penultimate blog in our 6-part series! This series has brought to light multiple different factors that we can see having an impact on the UK events industry, and by identifying such issues, we can plan for a more successful future.

Catch up on the political, economic, social and technological blogs now for more insight on the series.

5 Tips to Hosting a Table at a Business Event

5 Tips to Hosting a Table at a Business Event

So, you’ve booked a table at a business event, be it an awards ceremony, business dinner or charity event, and now you need to make it work for your business and justify the expense to your bank manager as well as having the responsibility of hosting that table and making sure everyone has a great time. Here are a few tips to take into consideration prior to the event that will help you become a master at table hosting.

Social: 3 ways sociological factors can impact the events industry

Social: 3 ways sociological factors can impact the events industry

We now reach the half way point in the PESTLE series. To recap so far we have addressed both the political and economic impacts facing the events industry. Be sure to catch up on these instalments if you haven’t already done so.

Now we move on to the next blog in the line - the social impacts on the events industry.