
Environment - 3 ways the environment can impact the events industry

Environment - 3 ways the environment can impact the events industry

We have now come to the end of our PESTLE blog series. Across the past 12 weeks we have covered the Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Legal factors that can be seen to be having an impact on the events industry, whether they be a positive or a negative one. In out last instalment we will cover some environmental impacts.

5 Tips to Hosting a Table at a Business Event

5 Tips to Hosting a Table at a Business Event

So, you’ve booked a table at a business event, be it an awards ceremony, business dinner or charity event, and now you need to make it work for your business and justify the expense to your bank manager as well as having the responsibility of hosting that table and making sure everyone has a great time. Here are a few tips to take into consideration prior to the event that will help you become a master at table hosting.

Why Cardiff should be your event destination of choice in 2017

Why Cardiff should be your event destination of choice in 2017

Cardiff is one of the most exciting cities in the UK and we feel a great destination for all sorts of events. Take a look at what Cardiff has to offer as the destination for your next event.